Blog 2


A blog that is focused of sports therapy and performance but also takes a lot about other fitness related topics that interest me as a basketball player and an all-round fitness person


A blog that talks a lot about training fitness and diet as a sports therapist all these things are important when rehabilitating an athlete using the best train exercised and techniques when developing a rehab program is extremely important


focuses a lot on chronic pain at a sports therapist you deal with a lot of athlete but also deal with non-athletes who most of the time have issues with chronic pain and has come to you has a last resort understanding chronic pain is important when dealing with issues about it


An Instagram page of a sports therapist whose worked in a professional environment who gives and inside to what that is like as well as having videos and pictures on his page that can help a developing sports therapist


An Instagram page of a Strength and conditioning coach who also works with rehabilitation and injury prevention works in basketball with a professional club based in London has a well-documented page of different exercises that can be used for injury prevention