Study skills

Study skills


This site it run by a person who teaches at the university I attend and is someone of high regard and a lot of knowledge I have spoken to this person a lot at the have taught on of my classes before. A lot of the information on there website is put on there to help a person on my course or a person with similar interest


This page is directly linked to my course and had a lot of information regarding the different topics we do on this Couse The information is also very clear and easy to understand all information is separated into bullet point and easy access tabs.


great tool when learning and revisiting my knowledge on the human physiology and anatomy. Has videos with clear voice overs and explanations of everything shown on site


this page is a sport psychology page it talks about different psychological theories. As a sport therapist understanding the psychology of an athlete is important when dealing with rehab.

important page to use as an academic tool when writing essay as this is a grammar and spelling application that can be used to help you improve your writing style.


A page directly links towards helping you improve your academic skills

A page which is focused on higher education and gives short and clear tips on ways to improve as a student and increase your academic skills

As a student studying sports therapy I have to do more than just massage some of the other skills I need is to be skilled in Microsoft excel this is a page which gives simple instruction stop how to used excel functions and formulas


As a sports therapist and a student being about to communicate is important as when speaking to patients you need to know how to get your point across clearly.


A page used to help individuals improve their presentation skills as a student I’m going to have to present a series of topic through my next 2 years at university and being about to have a good presentation is important when presenting