Sunday 19th May 2019- Eighth Day

Today I felt ready and motivated to come to placement, even though I was tired due to working the previous night I was excited to go to placement. It felt good going in and knowing that in under a month I will be a paid employee of Choices Consultancy, however, I am having concerns on whether I am going to be able to manage two jobs and university. I understand that it will be really difficult as I will be working day shifts followed by night shifts all weekend, having time for 6 hours of sleep over a period of 3 days (Friday-Sunday), but I am going to give it a go and see what I can change to cope better.

Today was a good day, everything went to plan, I am now fully confident when using the till and I feel a lot more confident in cashing up. I had no feelings of anxiety today and I felt happy to be there. However, I did get a slight telling off from my colleague (Sam) because last time Carol said she would cash up and tidy the visit centre, but she did not clean up. Sam said to me that she thought she trained me well and she asked what happened and why I didn’t bother?

I said that it was not a case of not bothering, I explained that Carol said that she could do it and she said that I could go home early. This conversation put a bad spin on the day as I hate being told off, it immediately made me feel more anxious and like I just wanted to run away and hide. It certainly made me question whether I am the right person for the job…

I am the right person for the job, I guess everyone has good days and bad days and days where they could of thought more logically. Looking back I should of said to Carol that I would stay and help to tidy, if I was put in this situation again I would definitely do this. I am going to look at this as being a learning curve rather than a ‘telling off’. Hopefully I wont mess up again.

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