Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
25/2/19 Open clinic 2 hours Client complaining of back pain on and off for 2 years following a golf injury.



Reflective Summary                   Areas for further Improvement plus action plan
Client complaining of pain along their left medial border of scapula and down their mid back into their lower back following a golfing injury where the player hit the ground during the swing. On palpation there was tightness along the medial aspect of lower back and PoP.


I began with effleurage and petrissage of the scapula and the trapezius and then continued down into the lower back. Following the STM the client reported no improvement in symptoms, so I asked the supervisor for advice. Client used to be a regular golfer but has stopped playing since the injury, therefore the supervisor advised that I test the client’s ROM in IR and ER of the hip. On doing so I noticed the client had good ROM on ER but significantly reduced IR, which is common in golfers and research has found it is linked to LBP (Murray, Birley, Twycross-Lewis, & Morrissey, 2009).


For the rest of the session, I performed MET PIR to increase ROM of ER of the hip. I will continue this over the next few sessions and monitor the client’s ROM and LBP level to see if the treatment is effective.

Second client: Tight calves following a long run for the first time since having a baby. Check contraindications, ROM and get informed consent. STM to relax muscles, NMT to deactivate TP in centre of gastrocnemius and then PIR to lengthen muscle fibers.

Read more into golfing and specific sport related injuries as well as some more into LBP in golfers. Practice measuring ROM, as I struggle using the goniometer which reduces the accuracy of the measurement.








Returning to reflections at a later date
I feel a lot more aware of sport specific injuries now and will continue to research this to develop my knowledge.


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