Useful Academic Resources

  1. Physio Tutors – I use this website a lot for help with the STYCO3 module as they have plenty of videos on the joint assessments, with demonstrations on how to perform each special test. They also provide information such as how to know if the test is positive and also highlight the specificity and sensitivity of each test. I also used them to help me practice anatomy for the STYCO1 module.
  2. KENHUB – This website is very useful when learning or recapping anatomy, as it allows you to break down muscle groups into different layers, in order to visualise it clearer and easier. This is particularly useful as I sometimes find it hard to remember those muscles that are deeper or sit underneath other muscles.
  3. Crash Course – I used this website a lot when I was learning physiology as it explains the complexed processes in basic terminology with diagrams, to make it easier to understand and remember.
  4. Studiosity – This highlights errors in academic writing that may have been missed or are as a result of a gap in knowledge. This is helpful as it gives you the opportunity to correct these before submission or identify areas that need more practice, such as referencing.
  5. The British Medical Journal – A good website for getting reliable journal articles.
  6. Academic Phrase Bank – This is useful as it provides a variety of sentence starters and alternatives to commonly used words to improve essay writing.
  7. Mendeley – This is a website which I use to store all of my references. It is useful as it allows you to separate references into different folders to keep them for future work, as well as ensuring references are in the correct format.
  8. Grammarly – This is very useful as it constantly checks your writing for grammatical errors, as opposed to spell check which only checks the document you have open.
  9. Teach Me Anatomy – This website was very useful when I was learning anatomy as it breaks all the muscles and joints down into a visual aid to make it easier to remember and understand.
  10. Google Scholar – This is very useful for filtering through journals, which are good reliable sources to use as references to improve my work. It allows me to filter the date of the journals to ensure the ones I select are no more than nine years old, to ensure they are still current.