When looking back at the recording of myself talking in a group i found out that i have a lot of strengths and also have a little bit of weaknesses.

While taking to my peers i give myself time and i didn’t  rush my speech and this gives them a great understand of what i am trying to say to them. While speaking to my peers i tried my best to engage them and ask questions and try and make the conversation flow this meant that people would’t have to worry too much about the fact that a camera is watching and it meant that they could be their self. Another strength is that i was sensitive to people and this means i wasn’t asking any awkward questions to people because it might result to them either getting upset or angry and so i was sensitive so that the recording could go smooth and clear. The key in this skill was listening and showed plenty of it i showed i listened by speaking about either their hobby or something else.

During the recording i also showed a small weaknesses. One of them was that i didn’t speak too much about myself and i was asking other people a lot of questions and i felt like maybe it was a little too much next next i should try and not ask too many questions because it could put people of and might them feel a little funny. Another weakness was that i didn’t make too much eye contact with my peers and this could them confused and might not know who i was speaking to.