Clinical Reflection 11/01/19

During this session one of my class mates and I spent time practicing rigid and k taping, understanding why and when to use them.

Reflective Summary 

This session was important as it allowed us to practice for our soft tissue theory module exam. We considered the different scenarios that we may get questioned on in the exam and the type of taping we would use. Rigid taping is used on the field of play as it is generally only beneficial for 15 minutes whereas k tape can last 3-5 days. Both types of tape have similar roles that include limit unwanted joint movement, minimising pain and swelling and to reinforce normal structures. There are 2 types of rigid taping: stretch/elastic adhesive tape and non-stretch adhesive tape. Stretch is good as it conforms to the contours of the body and is there for mechanical support. I would use non stretch if I wanted to reinforce the stretch tape or enhance proprioception. K taping is good as it speeds up the healing process by providing a gentle lifting effect, increasing space so more fluid is able to move.

Areas for further improvement 

Improvements that could be made is ensuring I do not touch the sticky side of the tape meaning it can be applied more effectively. It is also vital to measure the tape out so I don’t end up with too much or too little. I believe I need to revise the techniques so I know exactly what taping is used when and why it is.

Things to Remember 

  1. Always check for contraindications ensuring you know exactly what they are
  2. You can adapt the taping technique as long as its effective
  3. Give aftercare advice once the treatment is finished  


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