Call Of Duty WW2 release first live action trailer for DLC

Sledgehammer released the live action trailer for the first DLC pack which was released on the 30th of January for the PS4. It is usually available on PC and Xbox One a month later, but no date had been confirmed.

This DLC, like the new update, will be focused on the resistance. The 3 new multiplayer maps, titled Valkyrie, Anthropoid, and Occupation, are all based on famous resistance uprisings that took place throughout history. Occupation is actually a remake of the Modern Warfare map resistance, which wasn’t exactly a ‘fan favourite’ but it fits the theme and that’s all the matters right?

As well as these three new maps Sledgehammer are also introducing a new War mode map, called Operation Intercept, where one side tries to fight to rescue resistance fighters and escape. War has been arguably the best new introduction into the latest Call Of Duty title so this new mode will only benefit the response to this new DLC. A new zombies chapter was shown in this trailer. ‘The Darkest Shore’ is set days after the first zombies chapter and Activision says it will be “more cunning, quick, and even more bloodthirsty than before.” It will feature an environmental effect, fog, which will make it much more difficult for players to navigate through the map.