My videos and presentations

I worked with Connor Moore on a video presentation of a case study regarding a 25-year old boxer with neck pain and dizziness.  In the presentation we discuss the signs and symptoms of neck pathologies which boxers can be susceptible to.  We also present the positive findings of a fictitious subjective and objective assessment of our boxer.  We discuss the differential diagnosis of the case and present our conclusion.  The link to the video presentation, a copy of the script and the Power Point version of the presentation are included below:

Presentation script

Karen Eccles & Connor Moore – Presentation of a Case Study


Rebecca Tidmarsh and I were asked to write a short presentation for our Shoulder Pathology lecture, on the clinical impression of Shoulder External Impingement.  I enjoyed working with Rebecca but the subject matter was very detailed and we both found it challenging to keep the presentation short.  Below is a copy of the presentation.

Shoulder External Impingement


I put together a presentation with my peer, Connor Moore for our Psychology in Sport assessement.  The presentation was on the Role of Goal Setting in Sport.  I have included it here as it is a useful resource to help sports therapy students understand more about Goal Setting in sport.  I have also included a copy of the poster on the same presentation.

FINAL – The Role of Goal Setting in Sports Rehabilitation



Is Rugby Dangerous: Should it be Banned for Children?

Versions in Powerpoint and Screencastify are presented below: