Recommended Blogs

Top 5 Recommended Blogs

I chose this one to be a part of my recommendations as I foundĀ each blog post focusing on only one key point. The website is easy to navigate and will help you to find the blog post that you are most interested about. The blog posts cover a range of aspects from how to get the most out of foam rolling to rehabilitating ankle injuries.

I chose to recommend this blog as there are lots of large images directing you to the particular article you would like to read and not too many words that could end up confusing you. The blog covers many different areas of rehabilitation from, child postural assessments to hamstring stretches and the advantages of psychology.

The sporting joint blog is on this recommendation list as it helps you with tips and exercises for any injury or pain that you are experiencing. I found this blog was particularly good for those who are pregnant as it gives 10 tips on how to deal with pelvic pain and 3 exercises that every pregnant woman should be doing.

This blog is good because its bright and colourful and draws your attention to it. Having bright colours will help to draw people to read the blog as opposed to a blog that was just in black and white. As for the content in this blog, there is a guide on the right hand side that categroises each blog post by month and has a search by tags option. By having this it will help you to navigate around the blog easier to find what you are looking for.

I chose this blog to be on my recommendation list because I felt like this blog was good for those who are not as sporty. This is because this blog has articles that help with lower back pain caused from working at a desk and ones that help with a stiff neck from using electronic devices for long periodsĀ of time. I also liked this blog as you can see that they regularly update it with posts as the dates are recent.