STYC01 Clinical Reflection 25/02/2019

This session was conducted in the Marjon Sports Therapy Clinic. This lasted for 1 hour. The client was complaining of painful calf’s and feet.

Reflective Summary

I set up the work station and washed my hands. Upon the clients arrival, I checked for any contraindications and allergies. I observed and palpated the gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneals and the muscles of the plantar foot. Regarding plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, eversion, inversion (of the foot), flexion, extension, medial and lateral rotation (of the knee), the range of movement was ok and the client only experienced slightly more pain on the back of their calves when plantarflexing their foot. To begin the massage, I did one leg at a time. I did 5 minutes of efflurage, followed by 10 minutes of petirssage, followed by 5 minutes of tapotements. To finish off, I did another 5 minutes of efflurage. For the feet, I also did this one at a time. To begin, I did 5 minutes of efflurage, followed by 10 minutes of petrissage, using my thumbs and knuckles. To finish off, I did another 5 minutes of efflurage. After this, I gave some after care advice, explaining they should drink plenty of water.

Areas for Improvement 

The treatment ran over the 1 hour mark. I think I take too long observing, palpating and checking the range of movement.

What can I do next?

  1. Come up with concise ways to explain how the client should perform each range of movement.

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