STYC01 Clinical Reflection 25/04/2019

This session was conducted in the Sports Therapy Clinic for 1 hour. The client had pain in their upper  back and shoulders.

Reflective Summary

Firstly, I cleaned and tidied the work area and washed my hands. I observed and palpated the muscles surrounding the shoulder,  such as the infraspinatus, the trapezius and the rhomboids. As well as this, i also observed and palpated the bony points such as the medial and lateral border of the scapula, the AC joints, the spine of scapula etc. There was no swelling, bruising or muscle wastage. Firstly, I began with 5 minutes of efflurage to warm the muscles up. I then began some deeper work, using petrissage techniques for around 10 minutes. Using a bolster under the clients shoulder, I was able to treat some of the subscapularis.  Following this, I performed another 5 minutes of efflurage. Throughout the massage, I used the VAS score to ensure the pressure was ok throughout.

Following this, I K-Taped the upper back of the client.

Areas for Improvement

When applying the tape, I stretched the final end slightly more than I had hoped.

What can I do next?

Practise applying K-Tape and stretching it the correct amount.

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