25/11/2019 1.5 hours

This session took place court side to the Plymouth Raiders basketball practise.

Within this session, I followed the motion of the previous practise in terms of beginning the session. I laid the bands out in the starting position, and when it turned to the starting time, I asked the coach if I should go ahead and lead the warmup. The warm-up ran smoothly, and players listened well to instruction, potentially because they are getting to know my face better and therefore have more trust in me. Following this, I set on the bench with my medical bag, watching out for any injures. I thought this session had run smoothly with no injuries, however, at the end of the session once everyone had left, there was one player still on the court lying down. This didn’t seem too worrying, as players often lie on the floor after a hard practise when they are very tired. But, I went over and asked if he was ok, to which he explained he was fine, was just tired but had been elbowed in the face by another player. He looked very pale and his eyes were closed more than normal. I took the player to clinic and conducted a SCAT test (see in next reflection). After this session I felt as though my confidence had been knocked slightly, as I didn’t see the hit to the players head happen. However, this suggests that I need to be keeping a closer eye on all the players during the training sessions, even right at the end.

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