30/10/2019 2.5 hours

Within this session, I was court side for the Raider’s training session, and was then invited to their S&C session. During the training session, I was observed conducting the warm-up by the supervisor to ensure I was delivering it to a satisfactory standard. I was asked to consider enthusiasm to aid the players motivation and efforts whilst undertaking the warm-up. Following this, whilst keeping an eye on the players to ensure I see the mechanism of injury if one was to occur, my supervisor talked me through what was in the medical bag, recapping what everything is and when I would use it. Also, one player was also undertaking his rehabilitation for a lateral ankle sprain that occurred a few sessions prior to this. So, I was able to observe the head therapist instructing the player on technique and ensuring he is performing the exercises to the best of his ability. Following the training session, I was then invited to go to the strength and conditioning to help lead and run the session. This was something quite out of my comfort zone and strength and conditioning is not an area I have ever been educated in, and due to the fact that these sessions are more face to face with the players. I took instruction from the leader of the session to cover one station, timing their exercises and improving technique where I can. I also took this time to get to know the players slightly more which should help with my confidence in the future.

Before the next court side session, I attend I am going to think of ways to acquire some enthusiastic language to ensure the players are engaged in the warm up.

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