6 Super Healthy Seeds You Should Eat

Seeds are an essential part of our diet. Seeds are great sources of fibre, also they provide healthy monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and many important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

A number of studies have identified that different types of seeds and nuts have a role in preventing weight gain, development of heart disease and the accumulation of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol.

Here is a list of the 6 healthiest seeds that you should add to your diet. (In no particular order)

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are truly a super food. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in hemp seed oil is 3:1. Hemp seeds also contain gamma-linolenic acid, which is an essential anti-inflammatory fatty acid.

Hemp seeds contain 10 essential amino acids, which makes them one of the few plants that are a complete protein source. In fact, they contain 30% pure protein making them an excellent daily protein source.

Sunflower Seeds






Sesame Seeds

Linseeds (Flaxseeds)

Pumpkin Seeds

Chia Seeds


Why I decided to become a vegan.

Like most people, I was raised on a omnivorous diet, I ate red meat, poultry, seafood, eggs & dairy (lots of it). When I first heard the terms vegetarian and veganism I thought it was something weird and unhealthy. To me, eating the way I did throughout all the years was the norm and I loved it.

However, one day I reached a point in my life where I realised that my eyes were glued shut by society, the food industry and by myself. Society showed us how easily it is to create a disconnection between the foods we’re consuming and the innocent animal it once was. I had been a victim of this disconnection for the majority of my life, and I decided that enough was enough. It was time to take down the blinders and educate myself.

I took to the internet, and began researching the benefits of veganism: the benefits towards myself, the animals and the environment. Whilst looking through the internet, I came across this video on Facebook, and to my horror I was sickened and disgraced at how animals were treated. I instantly decided that I could no longer be apart of it and over night I became a vegan.
