Male, 22 year old, Army.

The above client came into the clinic today with pain in his shoulder. Because of his job the client has a very physical lifestyle and work, where he is required to carry high weighted rucksacks with most of the weight being disputed down on his traps and shoulders.

On observation the client had flat feet with little arch. His (R) quadricep appeared to had move muscle tone than the (L). The (R) trap appeared to be situated higher than the (L) and presented more muscle. There was no PoP on both traps, shoulders and on the rotator cuff muscles, but a tightness was present in the (R) trap. There was no bruising or swelling on his body.

Both the cervical spine and the elbow was cleared and the client did not experience any pain or symptoms in both. Passive mvt was tested in the GHJ in Fl, Ext, Abd, Add,Ir, Er, Horiz adb/ad, El, Dep, Prot and Ret and the client had full ROM in all of these movements.

The same mvt’s were tested in passive and again the client did not experience any pain or symptoms, there was no abnormalities in the end feel.

Resisted mvt’s were tested using the oxford pain scale and the client scored a 5 out of 5 in all the above mvts.


The client was tested with the

Speed test (negative)

Neer’s impingement test (negative)

Lift off test (negative)

Hawkins kennedy’s test (negative)

Empty and full can test (negative)


The treatment given was a sports massage to the shoulder and the surrounding musles. It started with light effleurage, followed by petrissage techniques e.g. Kneading, wringing, picking up’s and open C’s. Muscle Energy Teknik’s (MET), Neuro Muscular Technique and Soft Tissue Release for the glutes and MET’s was used on certain trigger points. The client was booked in for a follow up appointment in 3 days time.

25/04/19 Army shoulder pain

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