I am Richelids Cain and thank you for joining us for today!
Here is a round up of anything you might have missed:
Brexit … Again
You may think that politicians are incapable of agreeing to anything and you might just be right. Theresa May announced this morning that she will take part in a BBC debate about Brexit. That sounds ok so far right? Well the issue lies with a disagreement between Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who is yet to agree with BBCs offer and instead has shown favour towards ITV.
Corbyn has argued that ITVs deal would allow viewers to watch the debate with out missing the Im a Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! final which will be aired on the same night. Corbyn said: “I want to watch it myself”. #relateablepolitics. Well Jezza you keep fighting for what you believe in.
And just a reminder to everyone to make sure they vote. We don’t want Noel Edmunds winning now do we!

The Greatest Show Man… Again
So you have had enough of politics for one day. Fair enough. So why don’t we turn to a little bit of entertainment news and talk about everyones favourite musical… The Greatest Showman?
I have to admit I LOVED this film. I gave it a full 10/10 when I came out of the cinema at the start of this year. But I think it might be time for it all to stop now.
Hugh Jackman has announced he will be going on tour with the Greatest Showman hits along with other musical songs from films such as Les Miserable. The film broke records when it was released and the sound track continues to be a radio favourite.
So if, unlike me, your are not sick of the hype just yet, you will be able to see Jackman in the UK as he has confirmed he will be coming here as part of the tour.
The Doughnut … AGAIN
So now I am going to shamelessly Plug some of the content which Myself and Kira have created and posted on The Doughnut today. If you haven’t already please check this stuff out:
The News
At Midday I wrote a quick little news update for anyone who’s too busy to read a more established News forum.
Click Here to read it

Design to Sell
Yes we have written an article about a rival university and no it isn’t slamming it. Here are all the reasons why you should go to Plymouth College of Art’s Design to sell event.
Click Here to read it

The Plymouth Christmas Market
If, like me, you are OBSESSED with everything Christmas then make sure you check out my article all about the Christmas market in Plymouth. Its pretty much the same as last years but who cares when your sipping on a mulled wine?
Click Here to read it