When lucy met the Bluetits

On Tuesday 12th April I went down to the white steps of Tinside on Plymouth Hoe, where I had arranged to meet Claire Cassidy of the Plymouth Ladies Bluetits group. Tinside is where Plymothians have regularly swum for more than a hundred years, and as you can see, some of its features remain unchanged.

Claire (below left), is a nurse, a mother of five children, and is also the person responsible for setting up this much loved, local sea swimming group.

I chatted with the ladies as they buoyed each other up, in preparation for an icy dip in the beautiful briny sea. Hear what I discovered when I went down to the beach that day…..


Claire brings her 5 children to play at the beach while she has a swim with the ladies

Plymouth Tinside in days gone by. Circa approximately 1935

(Google images)

 Video courtesy of You Tube

Sian Richardson founder of the Bluetits in 2014, Pembrokeshire. The swimming groups now span the globe with over 15,000 members.

(Images courtesy of Bluetits website)



So, after my morning spent with the Plymouth Bluetit ladies, and having now seen how much they enjoy this exhilarating hobby, would I be tempted to join them and brave the icy temperatures of the sea? No chance – I’ll be sticking to my nice warm pool thank you!

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