Education Research Projects, graduating students 2020

These are the research posters prepared by our third year students to share the findings of their honours level research projects.

Teaching Perspectives of the Impact that the Examination at Eleven Plus has on the Emotional Health and Well-being of Children

How do Reception Class teachers promote Personal, Social and Emotional Development?129020062-625227_Holly_Buncle_Conference_poster_180788_1481807675

How has technology impacted the educational experience of children in KS2 in the last twenty years?

Teacher’s and trainee teacher’s understanding of mental health issues and what the school can do to promote positive mental health.

Teacher’s perceptions on how effective teacher-student relationships are in order to support the management of behaviour in Key Stage 2.

How Does Play Evolve Through the Key Stages in Primary School?

Investigation of the response and implications of Ofsted’s Bold Beginnings within a multi academy trust.

Does the role that an NQT Primary School Supply Teacher plays in covering short term teacher absence mean that they are not recognised as a credible professional by the headteacher, usual class teacher and teaching assistant(s)?

An exploration of influences on children’s aspirations in EYFS and Key Stage 1

How do teaching methods of number bonds affect engagement and attainment over a 6-week period?

An ethnographic case study into how the ethos and practices of an alternative provision foster a sense of belonging in its school community.

An issue of Teaching Assistant support of children in mainstream schools (KS1) who have SEND status and needs (focusing primarily on ASD)

Knife Crime and Moral Panics: Discourse Analysis Of Popular Soaps.

To What Extent Do Practitioners Place Blame on Parents for Behavioural issues of Children with Autism and ADHD?

To what extent is the voice of the child and youth participation integrated into policy that social care professionals use?

Is Childhood Really a Risky Business? Exploring the Perceptions of Children’s Risks in Society from ages 2 to 10.

Child Poverty: Issues of Access and Quality in Early Years Education Policy.

Exploring Practitioners Views and Implementation of The Prevent Duty and Focus on Promoting Fundamental British Values in Early Years Practice.

Opportunities for inclusive practice? Exploring trainee teachers and NQT’s readiness to work with pupils with Autism in mainstream schools.

Does reward and competition in groups aid learning in a Primary setting?

How are Extra-Curricular Activities Perceived to Put Limitations on the Time Children Have to Play? An Exploration of 8-11-year old’s views.

“Boys and Dance; stigma or success?” Does education utilise its’ role in promoting dance and breaking the stereotypical view of the male dancer.”

What issues might primary schools encounter when teaching sex and relationships education in the classroom?

To what extent does too much prescriptive reading result in a diminished interest in reading for pleasure?

An investigation onto the perceptions / perspectives of professionals in the education sector into the impact of academisation on pupil outcomes.

Sport and Inclusion: How do teachers differentiate and motivate pupils with SEN.

Comparing the effectiveness of the UK and Finland’s policies and approaches to Lifelong Learning in Primary Schools.

Is the use of visual literacy, within the UK primary classrooms, effective in the development of a child’s inference skills?

Refining the integration of educational technology in the primary years.

How can digital media support the learning/pedagogy of the Primary History Curriculum?

The influence of policy on the changing role of women and the early years workforce from 1945-2019.

Exploring the effectiveness of learning relationships within a mainstream primary classroom: the nature of working inclusively with SEND children.

Case Study: How the Environment helps Children Develop.

Exploring the benefits and considerations of a media based yoga programme versus a ‘real-life’ adult led yoga programme for Nursery and Reception/Foundation aged children.

Promoting Inclusion for Children with Special Educational Needs in English Primary Schools .

Practitioners Views on Creativity in Scripted Phonics.

Issues of Poverty and their Links to Educational Experience and Attainment.

How has technology impacted the educational experience of children in KS2 in the last twenty years?

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