Exercise Prescription Video – 13th February 2021 for 3 hours

Within these hours, I edited five different exercise videos. For each of the exercises I critically considered the coaching points, so that clients would be able to understand them.

Reflective Summary 

Videos that I edited:

1 = Forward Lunges


2 = Heel Slides

This exercise could be used in the early stages of rehabilitation for an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury, specifically after ACL reconstruction, in order to gain final degrees of flexion (Millett & Vail, 2010).Gasibat & Jahan (2017) supported this, but also suggested that the exercise could be used preoperative, instant postoperative and  in the advanced phase (2-4 weeks after) of ACL injury.

3 = Wrist Flexion

4 = Wrist Extension

5 = Isometric Wrist Extension

Wrist flexion, wrist extension and isometric wrist extension can be used for lateral epicondylitis. Rather than an inflammatory condition, lateral epicondylitis, also known as tennis elbow, is a tendinosis that affects the extensor muscles of the forearm including extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi and extensor carpi ulnaris (Ahmad et al., 2013). Isometric exercises have been recommended to decrease and manage pain of the tendon, while increasing the strength at the angle of the contraction without producing inflammatory signs (Dimitrios, 2016).

What Went Well

I believe I edited the videos to a good standard and selected coaching points which clients would understand. Moreover, I have become a lot more knowledgable and confident, when utilising iMovie, which means I can use this platform to edit my own rehabilitation videos for my professional instagram.

Areas for Improvement Action Plan
Ensure I edit at least two hours’ worth of videos each week Write in my calendar when I plan to complete the hours each week
Have a discussion with the other placement students regarding the coaching points for the specific exercise Next time I edit a video ensure I ask the other placement students to ensure it is rationalised

Closing the Loop

I continue to do at least two hours per week of editing exercise prescription videos.


Ahmad, Z., Siddiqui, N., Malik, S. S., Abdus-Samee, M., Tytherleigh-Strong, G., & Rushton, N. (2013). Lateral epicondylitis: a review of pathology and management. The bone & joint journal, 95(9), 1158-1164.

Dimitrios, S. (2016). Lateral elbow tendinopathy: Evidence of physiotherapy management. World journal of orthopedics, 7(8), 463.

Gasibat, Q., & Jahan, A. M. (2017). Pre and post-operative rehabilitation of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in young athletes. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences, 3(1), 819-828.

Millett, P. J., & Vail, C. O. (2010). ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation Protocol. Sport Medicine and Orthopaedic Surgery, 1-18.

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