Education/Training Opportunites

Sport and Activity leader

The first course I will look at doing to adress poor areas of my SWOT analysis is a sport and acitivity leader. The reason for this is because I feel like having my own group would dramtically improve my management skills which needed work and and also my communication skils to always have the group focused and listening to me.

Personal Trainer

I believe that if I took a personal training course it would better me as I woud have to adapt to any situation, bringing out my desicion making and also my organisational skils would have to improve because I would need to know exactly what would be happening in my days and need to plan for specific clients.

Football Coaching

Football coaching really interests me as football is my passion and I feel like taking this course woud better me as it would have the potential to open up new doors for me and give me new perspectives. Another reason I feel like football coaching would benefit me is because my timekeeping would have to improve becuse I would need to think about how long it woukd take me to get to the place, how long I would nee to set up and what time the players would arrive.