Other blogs page


1. https://www.massageschoolsguide.com/techniques/sports-massage/

The reason I chose to include this blog into my website is because I feel as though it really shows how sports therapist’s help people and also makes it clear that it will help individuals get to where they want to be and that is exactly why I chose to do this course because I want to help people reach there full potential.

2. https://www.revolutionsportsinjuries.co.uk/blog/hamstring-injuries

The reason I chose this blog is because I feel as though it shows me exactly what I will be doing, like a real life case that I could one day potentially come across so it was good to read about that and see how the professionals do it.

3. http://icsportstherapy.co.uk/ic-blog

This blog post also interested me as I was reading it feeling like I was understanding what they were talking about and it made me feel like I could defiantly do it in the future and increased my confidence.

4. http://icsportstherapy.co.uk/ic-blog

On the same blog as the previous one they speak about shin splints. This blog was different to the last one because I wasn’t as confident on shin splints as I was on hip tightness so it defiantly taught me something and feel like I gained some knowledge from this post.

5. https://www.wisegeek.com/what-does-a-sports-therapist-do.htm

My final blog post I found is similar to the first one in the way to I inspired me to become the best sports therapist I can because It lists all the ways that sports therapy can help people and that is my goal, to help as many people as possible overcome and get better.