30th March, Marjon clinic. 4 hours

30th March. Duration: 4 hours (2 clients)

Both clients had recent grade 1 (Fig 1) ankle sprains (3-4 days), which was being treated with PRICE and strapping and was still in the acute phase. I assessed their passive/active ROM and in line with clients’ pain thresholds, provided STR to their calf’s in impacted ankles, followed by gentle circular friction with my fingers around the impacted ankle joint to assist in breaking down scar tissue, increase blood flow and encourage healing.

Hot and cold therapy supports and basketweave strapping, as this supports the lateral ligament complex on the outside and the deltoid ligament complex on the inside. STR will continue for another few weeks (Moore et al. 2021; Romano et al., 2021).   I am becoming more proficient and confident taping clients through practice and am aware a poorly executed taping can not only be dangerous, but impact negatively on client technician relationship.  A lack of practice during lockdown certainly impacted my practical skills, but I am hopeful, further practice and repetition will improve this situation quickly. If I could change anything during this treatment, it would have been to ask the client more frequently than I did, if the taping was too tight or restricting blood flow.

Fig 1: Grading of Ankle Sprains


Moore, M. L., Haglin, J. M., Hassebrock, J. D., Anastasi, M. B., & Chhabra, A.

(2021). Management of ankle injuries in professional basketball players: Prevalence and rehabilitation. Orthopedic Reviews13(1).


Romano, V., Smith, K., Hanes-Romano, K., & Chambers, J. (2021). Kinesio Tape

14-Day Application Cycle: A Case Study. Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences8.



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