28th September, Clinic induction- 3 hours

28th September

Marjon Clinic

Supervisors: Alex and Mike

This session was the first of the year within the clinic at Plymouth Marjon university. As part of a placement module in 3rd year, the clinic is based on the university campus to help achieve 200 hours needed to complete this module. During this placement, each week clients will be treated who have booked in for an injury consultation both online and face to face.

During this session, the group were provided with information on how the clinic was to run this year. This included how the online consultation process will be delivered, face to face appointments, the booking process and how the correct PPE is to be used including an apron, gloves, mask and visor.

Due to the recent COVID 19 pandemics, this was also important to be covered to ensure that the correct protocols were to be carried out. This included the ‘donning and doffing’ process of wearing PPE, social distancing, and the use of the one-way system within the clinic and sports centre and how to work with clients in this space.

Towards the end of the session, there was revision for various case studies and scenarios. This was especially useful as this meant we were able to discuss in groups and share information. Case studies involved both upper and lower limb scenarios. This had also helped to identify which areas that are needed to focus on within revision before beginning placement in the clinic.

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