

Within the gym I decided to practice my dead lifting but instead with the variation of a trap bar as I felt this variation was the easiest for me to reach down and still maintain a good posture and technique. I started on 30 kg for the warm up and gradually increased until I was only 10 kg off my personal best of 80 kg. I felt this was a big achievement as I wouldn’t normally have the confidence to be deadlifting this much weight after only really learning the correct technique a few weeks ago. I feel next time I can push myself to improve upon my 1RM

Visit the Strength and conditioning page for more information on deadlifts and its variations


Pitchside 29/3/17

My pitchside duties each week has been increasing with more contact injuries being sustained. This weak I provided hamstring massage before the game with the addition of kinesiology taping on request due the player having to play two games back to back that same day. During the match , three injuries were suffered , the first being a grade 1 tear to the hamstring ( Not the previously treated player) they were treated with ice spray. The second injury was an ankle injury which was to the deltoid ligaments, this was treated with ice spray.The third injury was again to the ankle but to the ATFL, they were also treated with ice spray with all of them being advised on the principles of P.R.I.C.E once they got home. Next time I feel i need to bring actual ice with me and be more aware of whats going on within the game. Each week I am growing with confidence with treating players pitch side.Even though it was raining and muddy , it was enjoyable to watch and be an important member of the team.

Varsity 22/4/16

For the varsity between Plymouth University and The University Of St Marks and St Johns , I was given the opportunity to provide pitch side assistance to the tennis team. I provided pre-game taping to one player the night before. I taped the lumbar spine as they had been experiencing recent pain. The tennis player felt it had made a difference and on game day his back had made an improvement.

I was however quiet during the games as no one needed any treatment but was ready with my kit bags , if anyone needed any assistance. I prefer my football pitch side as I have more to treat before and during the game but still relished the chance to experience another sport.

Aerobic endurance on the Anti-Gravity treadmill

Thoroughly enjoyed participating in Neil’s dissertation testing on the anti-gravity treadmill.The treadmill is a great piece of equipment which can be used during injury rehabilitation to allow individuals to exercise without the risk of re-injury due to less loading on the joints, this is because of its ability to go down to 20% of your body weight.

Pitchside 08/03/17

Pitch side for Marjon Football fourths yesterday. Provided pre game treatment which included an ankle kinesiology taping and hamstring massage.


During the game , it was relatively quiet until an awful red card challenge on one of our players occurred. However the player was able to continue without any intervention from myself. The only problem with todays pitch side was the rain…

Aiming to provide top quality injury treatment, rehabilitation and strength & conditioning to the world of football.

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