
Plyometrics for football

Plyometrics is an effective way of improving strength and speed Slimani et al. (2016) and a useful aid within football as these two elements are very important to the players. Each position within football needs to have good strength and speed, whether this is too beat a player, win a header in the air, tackle an onrushing attacker, come and grab the ball from a corner or to shoot at goal, these elements need effective strength and speed to pull off these important footballing actions (Cotte and Chartard, 2011).

Plyometrics can be used to enhance a player’s performance but can also be used within injury prevention and rehabilitation to stop injuries from occurring and to bring back players to pre-injury levels. Research byJurado-Lavanan et al. (2017) tested land based vs water based plyometric training with both groups have similar results however the water based has less mechanical stresses than land based which is why it could be used within rehabilitation programs. Chmielewski et al. (2006) argues that the use of plyometrics in rehabilitation can prepare the body for the stresses and strains that occur during sport due to large amount of forces and quick movements that football produce.

One of the key areas that plyometrics can be used for in football is jumping for a header. Every position needs this attribute to win headers against the opposition in attacking and defending. By improving the power through plyometrics, a player will be able to out jump and therefore win the header against an opponent. Therefore, this is a key element that all football players should work on during strength and conditioning training (Manouras et al., 2016).


Plyometrics is the stretch of the muscle tendon unit which is then followed immediately by the muscle tendon unit shortening also known as the stretch- shortening cycle (SSC). The phases of plyometrics are loading, amortisation and unloading.

Loading: In this phase the prime mover muscle tendons increase in length by being stretched, the energy type that is used is kinetic energy but its stored in the form of elastic energy which will be used within the loading phase. The loading phase beings when gravity intervenes and the muscles must work against to resist gravity. Loading terminates when the lowest position is reached for the centre of mass (Wang and Zhang, 2016)

Amortisation: This face is very quick and is when the elastic energy is used, however if the energy is not all used up then the excess energy is converted into heat (Davies et al., 2015)

Unloading: The muscle tendon unit is then shortened; elastic energy is reused and the phase ends when contact with the ground ends.


Plyometrics has various adaptions that occur to the body due to the type of training, as we know already, plyometrics improves strength and power however it can help to increase and improve other sporting elements within the body. Saunders et al., (2006) researched plyometrics effect on running economy which resulted in the training helping to improve running economy within distance running. The training help to improve muscle activation within the abductors and adductors of health athletes (Chimera et al., 2004). Plyometrics training also has the ability to decrease the risk of injury (Hewett et al., 2006)

Taking off coaching points.

When taking off it is important that the correct technique is applied to make sure the movement is correctly done and that an injury is not sustained. When taking off during plyometrics there should be even weight distribution over the entire foot and between left and right, then simultaneously the athlete should flex hips, knees and ankle. The athlete should then tilt the trunk slightly forward whilst the arms are behind the mid line of the body, the Head should be up and facing forwards.

Coaching points for landing

Landing is also an important area for consideration as without a good landing technique, multiple injuries can be sustained. Firstly, the athlete should be landing on the forefoot then the entire foot with a soft landing whilst there is a triple flexion of the lower extremity and lower limb alignment. This landing technique is used for both double leg and single leg landing, the hamstrings and glutes are important muscles within the landing as they help to cushion the impact that is being sustain.

Below is Part 1 and Part 2 of a Plyometric video that shows variations of box jumps with progressions.



Chimera, N.J., Swanik, K.A., Swanik, C.B. & Straub, S.J. (2004) Effects of Plyometric Training on Muscle-Activation Strategies and Performance in Female Athletes. Journal of Athletic Training. Vol. 39, No. 1: 24–31.

Chmielewski, T., Myer, G., Kauffman, D. and Tillman, S. (2006) Plyometric Exercise in the Rehabilitation of Athletes: Physiological Responses and Clinical Application. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. Vol. 36, No. 5: 308-319. [Online] Available from: [accessed 03 April 2017].

Cotte, T. and Chartard, J. (2011) Isokinetic strength and sprint times in English Premier league football players. Biology of Sport. Vol. 28, No. 2: 89-94.

Davies, G., Riemann, B. and Manske, R. (2015) Current concepts of plyometric exercise. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. Vol. 10, No. 6: 760-786. [Online] Available from: [accessed 03 April 2017].

Hewett, T.E., Ford, K.R. & Myer, G.D. (2006) Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Female Athletes: Part 2, A Meta-analysis of Neuromuscular Interventions Aimed at Injury Prevention. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol. 34, No. 3: 490–498.

Jurado-Lavanan, A., Fernández-García, J., Pareja-Blanco, F. and Alvero-Cruz, J. (2017) EFFECTS OF LAND VS. AQUATIC PLYOMETRIC TRAINING ON VERTICAL JUMP. Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte . Vol. 17, No. 65: 73-84. [Online] Available from: [accessed 03 April 2017].

Manouras, N., Papanikolaou, Z., Karatrantou, K., Kouvarakis, P. and Gerodimos, V. (2016) The efficacy of vertical vs. horizontal plyometric training on speed, jumping performance and agility in soccer players.. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. Vol. 11, No. 5: 702-707. [Online] Available from: [accessed 03 April 2017].

Saunders, P.U., Telford, R.D., Pyne, D.B., Peltola, E.M., Cunningham, R.B., Gore, C.J. & Hawley, J.A. (2006) Short-term plyometric training improves running economy in highly trained middle and long distance runners. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association. Vol. 20, No. 4: 947–954

Slimani, M., Chamari, K., Miarka, B., Del Vecchio, F. and Chéour, F. (2016) Effects of Plyometric Training on Physical Fitness in Team Sport Athletes: A Systematic Review.. Journal of Human Kinetics. Vol. 53, No. 1: 231-247. [Online] Available from: [accessed 03 April 2017].

Wang, Y. and Zhang, N. (2016) Effects of plyometric training on soccer players (Review). Experimental & Therapeutic Medicine. Vol. 12, No. 2: 550-554. [Online] Available from: [accessed 03 April 2017].

Aiming to provide top quality injury treatment, rehabilitation and strength & conditioning to the world of football.

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