Conclusion and References

I hope you enjoyed my Vlog!

Eco-literacy needs to be given much more attention in school settings so we can ensure children are given the opportunity to learn and be immersed in the natural world. As a society, we must refrain from always painting animals in a happy joyful environment and begin to dig a bit deeper as to how to get the message across in an age-appropriate fashion. We needn’t be scared to share the truth with our children as it is their generation and the ones after them that are being given the difficult task of trying to reverse some of the environmental damage left to them by previous generations.

This unprecedented time in history is upon us and we need to act now before it is too late…

‘This is … the great challenge of our time: to create sustainable communities, ie social and cultural environments in which we can satisfy our needs and aspirations without diminishing the chances of future generations.’ (Capra, 1997:4)



For my developmental project, the areas I wanted to improve were…

  • Reading more

I have definitely been reading more. I am really trying to focus on core pieces/articles and collating information to compare and contrast them. By doing this, I have managed to improve the quality of my critical and analytical skills which has definitely improved the content of my writing. I still struggle to find much time due to my busy schedule but when I do read, I feel I am more focused on what’s important and skipping over the information I don’t necessarily need.

  • Improve my note taking and file my work

I have been using One Note in all subjects and by doing this I have become more organised and efficient. I am going to continue doing this in Year 2 of my degree and beyond. To be honest I haven’t really filed my work, but have put it into separate folders, not necessarily in the correct order. This is why One Note has been so fantastic for my work and organisation.

  • Expand my glossary

I have been adding to my glossary but not as much as I would like and this is something I plan to work on next year.


In conclusion, I feel I have partially achieved my targets but need to continue to improve my note taking skills and be more efficient with my time. I have enjoyed this project and the extra reading it entailed has evoked a certain passion for eco  literacy which I wasn’t necessarily expecting.


Thank you for reading my Vlog. I hope you have enjoyed it!




Bigger & Webb, W. (2010) Developing Envionmental Agency and Engagement Through Young People’s Fiction. London: Routledge.

Capra, F. (1997) The Web of Life. London: Harper Collins.

Garrard, G. (2005) Ecocriticism. London: Routledge.

Gifford, T. (2000) Pastoral, Anti-pastoral, Post-pastoral . London: Routledge.

Stribbe, A. (2012) Animals Erased: Discourse, Ecology and Reconnection with the Natural World. Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press.




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