3rd Clinical Reflection Total Hour 7

Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
4/2/2019 W233 Clinic 1 Second hour of open clinic and did a shoulder and back massage.
Reflective Summary                   Areas for further Improvement plus action plan
Client came in saying they have tight shoulders and back. (R) Deltoid, Pain 4/10, Struggle with ROM especially extension. 45 min of effleurage and petrissage on the clients shoulders and back.


Moved the clients arm so could massage around the shoulder blade and this was effective and massaged the full area of the shoulder.

Had great pressure on the massage due to the colour of the skin during and after the massage.

Struggled to test the ROM on the clinical assessment due to me struggling with goniometer to test the angle of shoulder extension.



Use the goniometer more to make the consultation more effective as could practice more with the goniometer and finding the angle of certain movements.


Returning to reflections at a later date
6/2/2019- Did an hour of using the goniometer on certain movements to understand how to use the goniometer more effective on the consultation as range of motion can be affected by scar tissue and using a goniometer would be useful to make the consultation more effective (Crosman, Chateauvert, Weisberg., 1984)

For office use only:


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