9th Clinical Reflection Total Hour 13

Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
25/2/2019 W223 Clinic 1 Seventh hour of open clinic and did a calve massage.
Reflective Summary                   Areas for further Improvement plus action plan
Client came explaining of pain in their calves especially in the gastrocnemius and the client had a pain scale of 6/10. 45 min of effleurage and petrissage using NMT to release trigger points in the right calve and applied K Tape during the clinic session.

Pressure was good as the client didn’t explain of any pain from the pressure of the massage.

The speed of the cutting of kinesiology tape was quicker as only took 1-2 min to cut the k tape.

Struggled with the ROM as forgot to measure the angle of both the calves and could make the consultation more effective due to measuring the angle of the calve of the client.

Further improve the massage by measuring the angle of the calve and could do this by practising with a goniometer on the client to measure the angle of both calves.


Returning to reflections at a later date
27/2/2019- Did an hour practise with a goniometer to help with the measuring of different angles at different parts of the client and practised on where to place it at different bony landmarks on the client.

For office use only:

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