3rd Year STYHO2 Clinical Reflection 2 Total Hours 5


Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
08/10/2020 MARJON Sports Therapy Clinic 2 Remote Consultation (Initial)

1 hour remote consultation with advice on how to reduce the pain in their hamstrings.

1 hour writing up notes on the session on Cliniko.

Reflective Summary Areas for Further Improvement and Action Plan
30 year old c/o pain in lateral border of right hamstring near the bottom with reduced ROM at full extension. My main aims of this remote consultation was find out the history of the injury and set out a treatment plan for the client’s strained hamstring.


For this session we used Cliniko to have a remote consultation with the client. I believe I could improve when doing this by speaking more clearly as there was some issues with the mic on the call.


For the subjective I clearly used OLDCAERTS to find out specific information of the injury. This is a useful tool to use as I can find out the key details such as Onset and Location etc. From this the client described a sudden impact on their right hamstring near the lateral border. I also found that the client showed no red flags.


For the objective assessment I made the client do active movements for the Hip, Knee and Lumbar Spine. Due to this being a remote consultation we couldn’t test passive and resisted movements as well palpate the clients hamstring. These were all noted to perform in the face to face interview.


After the assessment I gave the client some eccentric exercises for their hamstring strain as this is has been widely used in the rehab on acute hamstring strains (Heiderscheit, Sherry, Silder, Chumanov & Thelen, 2010).


However, I believe I could improve as I needed help from the clinical supervisor to prescribe the ‘’L’’ Protocol Extender Hamstring’’ and I believe I could improve by studying this protocol to help with my knowledge of rehab exercises.

  • Study the ‘’L’’ Protocol and apply this within clinic to patients with acute hamstring injuries. I will learn this and test myself with my other students.
  Return to Reflections at a Later Date
  • Learned the ‘’L’’ Protocol exercises such as the extender, diver and glider as exercises to use for acute hamstring strains (Askling, Tengvar & Thorstensson, 2013)







  1. Heiderscheit, B. C., Sherry. M. A., Silder. A., Chumanov. E. S., Thelen. D. G. (2010)., Hamstring Strain Injuries: Recommendations for Diagnosis, Rehabilitation, and Injury Prevention. Journal of Orthopaedic and Physical Therapy., Vol 40(2), Pages 67-81.
  2. Askling, C. M., Tengvar. M., Thorstensson. A. (2013)., Acute hamstring injuries in Swedish elite football: a prospective randomised controlled clinical trial comparing two rehabilitation protocols. British Journal of Sports Medicine., Vol 47, Pages 953-959.
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