Clinical Reflection 9 Total Hours: 43

Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
11/03/2021 MARJON Sports Therapy Clinic 4 First hour was used to plan for mine and Jordan Smith Client.

2nd Hour paired up with Jordan Smith for a suspected disc herniation Pt.

3rd Hour was used to finish off the client’s note

4th hour was used to create a plan and explore A.S



Reflective Summary Areas for Further Improvement and Action Plan
For the first hour of clinic me and Jordan Smith used this time to prepare for our client who had a suspected disc herniation by going through the possible symptoms. Such as radicular pain and problems with Ext (Amin, Andrade & Neuman, 2017).


For the follow up the Pt c/o of pain in his LB which radiated down to his Gastroc. Pt has had Px for 6 years. Gradually got worse. Worse if sitting. Pt is stressed because discharged from sea job due to Px. I believe the subjective was through to assess the Pt.


For the objective the client showed Px in on Flex & Ext on Active Lx. Also, showed Px on Passive Hip Abd and Flex. I believe our assessment was good. However, we could improved by using some different techniques to test for positive movements such as looking them in prone lying which they struggled to do. Also, they showed an anterior Pelvic Tilt on observation. HBE was prescribed with exercises such as glute bridge and book under bum prescribed. These will be assessed in future sessions and outcome measures will be tested to see improvements in P and ROM.


The next hour was used to complete notes on Cliniko.


After lunch due to the limited amount of clients I decided to research about ankylosing spondylitis due ot it being a potential Ddc for our client.


·        Research more around spinal assessments due to the lack of confidence I showed in my knowledge of the spine. Mainly anatomy and special tests.

·        Do further research on disc herniation and practice anatomy of the spine.


Return to Reflections at a Later Date
·        Did more research on spine and was able to identify different parts of the spine including transverse process, spinous process.

·        Looked further at A.S and found out that it is chronic inflammatory arthritis which affects the spine and sacroiliac joints (Robinson & Brown, 2014).





  1. Amin, R. M., Andrade, N. S., Neuman, B. J. (2017)., Lumbar disc herniation. Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine., Vol 10(4), Pages 507-516.
  2. Robinson, P. C., Brown, M. A. (2014). Genetics of ankylosing spondylitis. Molecular immunology, Pages 57(1), Pages 2-11.


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