Clinical Reflections 7: Total Hours 33

Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
26/11/2020 MARJON Sports Therapy Clinic 6 First 3 hours was used to for a remote consultation, complete their noted then do research surrounding osteoarthritis.

Completed Dissertation Research on my Literature Review

Completed filming exercise for the Marjon Social Media

Reflective Summary Areas for Further Improvement and Action Plan
For the first session of the day I had paired up with Kayleigh Sinclair on for a online triage. Pt c/o of P in R first metatarsal, P ongoing for 10 years (P1). Osteoarthritis of MTP confirmed by X-ray 5 years ago. Pain in both L&R MTP however L is a lot worse and is painful on walking. Pt unable to run due to P in toe, ADL are not affected.  Next was the objective assessment in which we found out that limited ROM on dorsiflexion and inversion. From this and the information supplied from the client we were able to see that it could be a possible OA of the 1st MTP and a reactive achilles tendinopathy. One way I can improve is to by increasing my knowledge of exercise prescription as I only contributed one exercise to the treatment compared to Kayleigh who contributed 4.


The next hour was used to complete clinic notes.


The hour after that I had research some more on the injury and came up with a possible plan for future session by looking at different exercises such as towel stretches which could help with the OA.


After lunch, I did more dissertation research and explored the lit review section of my work looking at a variety of areas to look at such as importance of K-Tape in team sports and ways to improve speed.


The final hour was used filming with Jordan Smith and we filmed different exercises such as banded lateral raise and dumbbell IR/ER.


·        Research more about the injury shown the Pt to give me a greater understanding of the pathology and what it shows.

·        Do more research on exercise prescription to enhance more knowledge surrounding different injuries.


  Return to Reflections at a Later Date
  ·        Did more research regarding the injury and devised a plan for future sessions to help improve the ‘’stiffness shown by the client’. Research shows that a stretching plan can help with ROM with patients with osteoarthritis (Reid et al, 2011).

·        Enhanced my library of exercise prescription to help with future clients.





  1. Reid, D. A., McNair, P. J. (2011)., Effects of a six week lower limb stretching programme on range of motion, peak passive torque and stiffness in people with and without osteoarthritis of the knee. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy., Vol 39(1), Pages 2-9.
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