Clinical Reflections 8 Total Hours : 39

Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
03/12/2020 MARJON Sports Therapy Clinic 6 First 2 hours was done to complete a Erector Spinae Client assessment and complete their notes

Next 2 hours were used to complete an assessment for a Tibialis Anterior Tendinopathy and completing their notes.

The final 2 hours were used to research the pathology and create a plan for the clients going forward.


Reflective Summary Areas for Further Improvement and Action Plan
For the follow up assessment the Pt c/o of a ‘’pinching in back’’ which was caused by reaching to the right in the car. Pt c/o of radiating pain into right glute which was 6/10. Threads and Red Flags were all Nil. Pt is a police officer and mainly does desk work currently. For the objective we completed all movements on the hip, lumbar and thoracic. One way I could improve is to remember the combined movements as it took my partner to tell me to do them. They found pain in Tx Lat Rot and Ext. Also, showed pain in Active Lx Ext and Ext with Rot. We performed the slump test to see if symptoms were present such as Neuropathic Urban & Macneil, 2015). This test was positive and with the combination of movements, palpation and special it was discovered that the client has Muscle Spasm of the erector spinae. The client was given exercises such as Bird Dogs & Psoas Foam Roller to help with symptoms such as pain and to maintain ROM.


The next hour was used to complete clinic notes.


The next hour was a follow up assessment. The Pt c/o of  P on distal Med Tib/ L Tibialis Anterior. Threads and Red Flags Nil. Increase in trail and road running and a run can range between 5-8 miles. For the objective, the client found P on Passive PF & Inv, Resisted Pf & Inv. Found PoP on Med Tibia which they found to be a 5/10 on VAS. The assessment showed a Reactive Tendinopathy. Client was prescribed HBE such as Banded isometric PF to help with ROM & Pain. I believe I could improve as I struggled with the stage of tendinopathy.


After lunch I had finished off the clients notes for cliniko.


For the last 2 hours I researched more about the 2 pathologies and the stages of tendinopathy. I found out about Reactive, Tendon Disrepair and Degenerative Tendinopathy (Li & Hua, 2016).

·        Research spinal movements so that I fully understand each movement and different combined movements.

·        Do more research on stages of tendinopathy as was unsure what stage my client was after finding out they had a tendinopathy.

  Return to Reflections at a Later Date
  ·        Did more research regarding the injury and devised a plan for future sessions such as what tests to perform and progressions and regressions I could give to the client depending on how they are presenting.

·        Revised the combined movements and what they show and how I perform them.





  1. Urban, L. M., & MacNeil, B. J. (2015)., Diagnostic accuracy of the slump test for identifying neuropathic pain in the lower limb. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy., Vol 45(8), Pages 596-603.
  2. Li, H. Y., Hua, Y. H. (2016)., Achilles tendinopathy: current concepts about the basic science and clinical treatments. BioMed research international., Vol 2016, Pages 1-9
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