43rd Clinical Reflection Total Hour 47

Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
29/04/2019 Commercial Clinic 1 One hour in the commercial clinic and did a hamstring massage and did some taping.
Reflective Summary                   Areas for further Improvement plus action plan
The client came in explaining of a ache in her hamstrings due to heavy lifting in the gym which could of cause a delayed onset of muscle soreness. 45 min of effleurage and petrissage to help relief the tightness and ache in her hamstrings and mainly targeted the bicep femoris.

Had great cutting skills as managed to cut the K Tape in 2 minutes in the session.

Could of improved on the application as the K Tape struggled to stay on the calve and this was due to me not using any of the spray for the K Tape in the session.

Further improve on my application of the K Tape in the clinic.

Will do this by practising my application of K Tape with using spray and rubbing the K Tape with other K Tape to make sure the tape stays on the client.




Returning to reflections at a later date
30/04/2019- Practised the application of the K Taape on various clients with the K Tape spray in the session.

For office use only:

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