Prehab Workout Programme Week 3

Exercise Sets/ Reps Expected Sets/ Reps Actual Reasoning for exercise Progression Description of exercise
Ankle Inversion (With Resistance Band) Pyramid Set

1st set: 24

2nd set: 22

3rd set:20

Pyramid Set

1st set:24

2nd set:22

3rd set:20

The client has struggled with ankle sprains so this exercise is to strengthen the muscles in the ankle to help prevent future inversion sprains. For further weeks maybe increase the reps to help increase the challenge of the exercise slowly for the client. The trainer will hold the resistance band while the client works against the resistance  while performing inversion and we will compare this to the Oxford Strength Scale.
Ankle Eversion (With Resistance Band) 4sets/ 20 Reps (Each foot) 4 sets/ 20 reps The client is working on prehab on the ankle so the client will be working on strengthening all major movements for prehab of the ankle. Finally increase the sets to 5 to create a harder challenge for the client and helping strengthen the muscles needed for eversion. The trainer will hold a resistance band in place while the client works against the force by performing eversion.
Ankle Dorsiflexion (With Resistance Band) 4 sets/ 12 reps (Each foot) 4 sets/ 12 reps The client is working on prehab on the ankle so the client will be working on strengthening all major movements for prehab of the ankle. Increasing the reps to 15 to slowly progress the client with this dorsiflexion exercise. The trainer will hold a resistance band in place on top of the ankle while the client works against the force by performing dorsiflexion.
Ankle Plantarflexion (With Resistance Band) 4sets/ 12 reps (Each Foot) 4 sets/ 12 reps The client is working on prehab on the ankle so the client will be working on strengthening all major movements for prehab of the ankle. Increasing the reps to 15 to slowly progress the client with this plantarflexion exercise. The trainer will put a resistance band on the bottom of the ankle for the client to hold with both hands and the client will work against the force by performing plantarflexion.
Goblet Squats (Kettle Bell 8Kg) 3 sets/ 10 reps 3 sets/ 10 reps The exercise is a good compound movement which will help strengthen the major muscles in the leg such as the calves, quadriceps and hamstrings as well as the gluteus maximus with the added pressure of a kettlebell as this will help the client work eccentrically against the force. Technique much more improved compared to week two due to her using her core muscles to keep balance on the squat. To improve in further weeks the client will try and do a lower squat which will help her quadriceps as these are used on the drive up phase on a squat. The client will hold the kettle bell with both hands against there chest and then slowly squat down and eccentrically work against the force to get up from the squat.
Body Weight Squat 3 sets/ 10 reps 3 sets/ 10 reps The exercise is a good compound movement which will help strengthen the major muscles in the leg such as the calves, quadriceps and hamstrings as well as the gluteus maximus. Improved technique from the second week as her heels are not raised off the floor when squatting. To further improve the trainer will implement more sets and reps to stop the occurrence of a plateau within this exercise. The client will slowly squat down working the quadriceps et the bottom of the squat using their core muscles and erectors to prevent falling forward or hyperextension of the spine. The client will drive upwards working eccentrically using their hips and then their gluteus and adductor magnus to extend the hips.
Calve Raises (8 Kg Kettlebell) 3 sets/ 12reps 3 sets/ 12 reps This exercise will be good for strengthening the main muscles in the calve which are the gastrocnemius and the soleus and this will help with overall ankle balance and stability. Great technique even with an implantation of a weight in the exercise. For the client to progress the trainer will keep the reps for next week then further increase them in future weeks to further challenge the client within this exercise. The client will be standing on the edge of a platform the will ‘’stand up’’ on their toes while performing plantarflexion. This exercise is an isolation exercise which will help target the gastrocnemius, soleus and tibialis posterior.
Toe Taps (With Resistance Band) 3 sets/ 10 reps (Each Leg) 3 sets 10 reps This exercise is used to help with clients weakness which is her agility. The client will be in a defensive basketball stance and then abduct her leg and then tap with her toes to the side. This will hopefully improve balance and reaction time as well as working on prehab of the ankle. The toe taps were slower and more controlled. For further weeks the trainer could increase the set to 4 to help improve on their gluteals and hip flexors The client will be in a defensive stance (Squat Position) and then will step to the side while keep their feet shoulder width apart, with a slight bend in their knee and keeping their chest up. This exercise will help work on the gluteals and hip flexors.


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