3rd Year STYHO2 Clinical Reflection 1 Total Hours 3


Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
08/10/2020 MARJON Sports Therapy Clinic 3 Sports Massage (Follow Up)

One hour of STM Followed by an hour of writing up detailed clinic notes on Cliniko.

Reflective Summary Areas for Further Improvement and Action Plan
21 year old student c/o pain in medial border of left scapula with a VAS 2/10. Due to the client having a remote consultation the previous student was unable to palpate the client so my main aims were to reduce the pain through soft tissue massage. Another aim was to find out specifically where the pain was through palpation.


This was my first clinic session so previous to the massage us as a group went though some of the COVID 19 protocols such as where the personal protective equipment (PPE) was and the order in which we had to follow, such as always washing our hands for 20 seconds prior to touching any of the PPE. This was useful for me as it is important to follow the protocols properly to stop the spread of the infection.


After following the PPE protocols and meeting the client, I then started my subjective assessment to find out their condition and if they have any red flags or THREADS. This is important as Red Flags are defined as ‘’clinical indicators of possible serious underlying conditions requiring further medical intervention’’ (Briggs, Fary, Slater, Ranelli & Chan, 2013). I was aware of most of the Red Flags but I believe I could improve by looking up the red flags of certain conditions such as Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency (VBI) as I was unsure of this in my induction session. From this assessment I could see that there was a gradual onset due to overhead lifting at the gym.


For the objective assessment I tested their Range of Motion for the joints above and below and around the shoulder. I believe I could improve by revising my knowledge of the spinal movements as I struggled with the cervical and thoracic movements.


After the assessment the client requested STM on their shoulders and back. Massage will be useful for the client as it will help reduce the tightness in their shoulders. This is important as one of the effects of massage is the reduction of pain (Cutshall, Wentworth, Engen, Sundt, Kelly & Bauer, 2010).

The massage was effective as the client showed a reduction in tightness after the massage and through-out the massage the client agreed the pressure was good. The plan for the client was to review on request as they didn’t book in for a follow up session.

·        Improve knowledge of different red flags of conditions such as VBI. I will do this by studying the different red flags and testing myself on them with my other students.

·        Revise my knowledge of spinal movements. I will do this by looking at lectures on the movements and testing myself with the other students for revision.

  Return to Reflections at a Later Date
  ·        Learned the red flags of VBI such as dizziness and headache (Hutting, Antonious, Kranenburg & Kerry, 2020).

·        Revised Spinal Movements such as spinal rotation and cervical flexion, extension, side flexion and rotation.





  1. Briggs, A. M., Fary. R. E., Slater. H., Ranelli. S., Chan. M. (2013)., Physiotherapy co-management of rheumatoid arthritis: Identification of red flags, significance to clinical practice and management pathways. Manual Therapy., Vol 18(6), Pages 583-597.
  2. Cutshall, S. M., Wentworth. L. J., Engen. D., Sundt. T. M., Kelly. R. F., Bauer. B. A. (2010)., Effect of massage therapy on pain, anxiety, and tension in cardiac surgical patients: A pilot study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. Vol 16, Pages 92-95.
  3. Hutting, N., Antonious. H., Kranenburg. R., Kerry. R. (2020)., Yes, we should abandon pre-treatment positional testing of the cervical spine. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice., Vol 49, Pages 1-3.



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