Useful helpful videos

Tips on everything sports therapy

This page shows all the useful videos that I’ve come across during my time at university and I hope that they will be of benefit for other students.

Massage techniques for the lower back:


Treatment of the lumbar spine muscle:


Massage of the forearm and wrist:


Interesting video showing the chestmobility and whole body connection in the supine position demonstrated on the functional skeleton


Helpful video demonstrating how to massage pectorialis major and minor.


Really interesting video showing some new and different techniques to effectively massage, stretch and lengthen tight hamstring muscles.


Great video demonstrating massage of the back, shoulders and neck with client in the prone position and lying on their side.

I have also found John Gibbons’ video demonstrations of muscle energy techniques and K-taping really useful.  I like his style.  He explains the theory that underpins the techniques very simply and clearly and the demonstration of each technique is done at a very easy pace.  I have included the link to his YouTube channel below: