25th January 2016

Date: 25th January
Group or individual with whom I worked: Year 7 boys. 6th form


BEFORE my placement …

What am I aiming to achieve from my placement today? What do I need to be mindful of? What issues/questions need to be addressed to ensure I achieve my aim? Do I need to be aware of particular theories, or have particular skills? Have I thought about all of the ‘what ifs’?

Before my placement today I wanted to see how strong subject knowledge played a part for a PE teacher. I knew today that the group I was working with were changing activities to Gymnastics. I need to be aware of the fact year 7 boys may not have participated in much gymnastics during their school lives so therefore attainment levels may be poor.


With the 6th form lesson, I knew that they were visiting a lower year group today in order to attain hours that they need for their HSLA lesson. The students were going to semi-lead an activity today.




DURING my placement …

What did I notice happening around me today? What was I thinking and feeling? How was I involved? Did I do anything to intervene and change the situation that I found myself in e.g. how I conveyed a point or whether I decided not to do something I had planned to do? Did my reflections at the time change the session I had planned or my actions?

During my placement I noticed that the year 7 boys did not seem to take to gymnastics at first, especially one small group. To combat this I intervened by standing near them when the main teacher was talking. When visiting the smaller groups I filled the students with praise as well as feedback. This seemed to get a positive reaction and the students seemed to enjoy gymnastics.


During the HSLA lesson I planned to keep away from the students and allow the 6th formers to continue to teach them as they saw fit. However as the lesson progressed I decided against it and helped with the management of the class. My actions were changed by my reflections at the time.


AFTER my placement … (based on the Gibbs Reflective Cycle)

Describe the activities you undertook whilst on placement today. Set the context, what you did and what happened.

Period one: During the first period I was again within the year 7 boys but this time the children were to do gymnastics. The teacher warmed the children up with a pulse raiser and some stretches before taking the kids through a gymnastic routine. The learning objective was to be able to create a three balance long sequel. The teacher has asked me to follow the groups around and provide assistance, questioning them on their routines and help out where I could. The teacher showed strong subject knowledge with the lesson, naming all of the shapes the students were asked to make as well as other gymnastic terminology.


Period three: Within the leadership class the students had to visit a lower year PE lesson that happened to be year 8 bottom set orienteering. The student helpers had to follow the young students to a place on the map, and lay down a cone for their partner to find on the map. During this lesson the responsibility fell on the 6th formers however my placement partner and myself took an over view off the lesson.


Document how you felt through-out your placement today. Were you anxious, confident, pleased or disappointed?
During my placement I began to feel much more confident as I started to find my bearings at the school, knowing where the PE changing rooms, and spaces are. I felt confident as well in over seeing the 6th form students who were taking part of an orienteering lesson.

I did however; feel slightly anxious with the two topics that were being taught today. Gymnastics was never my strongest activity during my PE experience. Whilst I have recently completed a module on outdoor education last year I was worried that I would have to explain in higher detail. So I was relived when the content of the lesson was what I had covered myself so I felt confident about it.




Evaluate today’s placement activity. What went well, what went badly, what would you have done differently?

Again today when I helped smaller groups during gymnastics I felt as if the students took on board my feedback and did show better form during the lesson. I feel as if my subject knowledge was strong on the day, this helped me when speaking to the students.

I would have perhaps offered to model the shapes in front of the smaller groups more frequently as their was a que of students wanting my attention so I couldn’t really give each group as much attention as they potentially needed.

During the HSLA lesson, I think that the students controlled the lesson well with the assistance of the staff, including myself. I feel though that I started to help the 6th formers in the delivery which whilst it proved to be a success for the year 8 students, the 6th formers maybe got away with doing less work.



Take a deeper, analytical and critical approach to today’s experiences. Can you make connections or apply academic theory or current policy to understand why today’s activities went well or went badly.

Coe (2014) argues that the most effective teachers have strong subject knowledge and those who do not have the same knowledge, implements on the teachers. Therefore this would suggest that by having strong subject knowledge in place that the students will benefit more and therefore a better learning environment would be created. This point is then echoed by Kyriacou (1997: 103) who claims that you must have a good subject knowledge, be interested in it and have enthusiasm for the subject in order to have an effective learning environment. PE teachers are expected to have a strong subject knowledge of most sports and activities within the national curriculum, however Capel, (2004) suggests that strong subject knowledge should not stop at just a sport however; it should link to fundamental movements and biomechanics. It is argued that it is just as important to understand why the body can or cannot move in a certain way as it helps to build skills. Anatomical subject knowledge therefore, can be seen as important as skill based knowledge. I think that due to the teachers anatomical knowledge the students can benefit more knowing why their body can and can not do certain things.




Draw conclusions. What have you learnt from today’s activities and your reflections?

Today I learnt that when changing a new topic, it is very important in order to read around the subject. For example watching videos of skills on YouTube can really help when delivering to students or even playing a supporting role. I also feel that a PE teacher, whilst have specialism sports or activities, must be a well-rounded individual within sport. This is important then for myself to begin to familiar myself with sports, games and activities that I am not so confident on.




Action plan. How will you apply what you have learnt from today’s activities to the rest of your placement and your future professional and personal development? Do you need to undertake further research or reading? Are there courses that you need to undertake to fill a skills gap?

During the rest of the gymnastics module within placement I have learnt that I will need to familiar myself more with the subject. I am planning on doing this by taking further research at university. As we have just started an aesthetic module I am hoping this, paired with reading around the subject will improve my subject knowledge. I have also looked into Gymnastic level 1 course through “British Gymnastics”




Have any questions arisen today that I need to discuss with my Placement Supervisor or University Placement Tutor (UPT)?

When delivering a subject I am not as strong on, how can I model something better if I cannot do it well myself?


This was answered by Stidder and Hayes, (2011) who suggest using a student within the class who is good at it, and explaining as they do it.





RETURNING to my reflections …

It is often useful to return to your reflections after a period of time. Revisit the experiences you had; think about how you felt (positive and negative feelings) and re-evaluate your experiences. Do you feel differently about the experience now time has passed have your feelings changed in light of the experience or do you now view the experience in a different light?

I feel now if I was to teach the introduction to gymnastics after gaining more subject knowledge that I would feel more comfortable within the lesson. This was reflected in the lesson plan I taught the next lesson.



In reflection, the boys who did not seem to enjoy the idea of gymnastics is relatable to students I have seen throughout placement however I feel by engaging them early, it proved to have positive effects.


At the time, I felt bad for jumping in on the HSLA students’ toes for trying to help and manage the lesson, but on further reflection I feel as if I made the correct choice. The students were obviously stressed with the behaviour of some of the students and if it was the other way around I would hope someone would help me with behaviour management.