Mathematics for the Million =
‘mathematics for my world’, is an extremely exciting, innovative and relevant project that has significant and far reaching potential influence to positively address the key features of a successful mathematics curriculum and purposeful pedagogic delivery.
How the project works
We have chosen key intellectual outputs which we believe will allow us to systematically capture the broad scope of the project. We recognise that individuals experience of maths is not just affected by their teacher’s competency, enthusiasm for example, as there are greater complexities to review, such as parental engagement and non-formal educational links. The project allows us to look more broadly than this, as education cannot sit in isolation from the world it operates within. Our focus on influences and demands outside of the school setting will be vital to see how these can be influenced, engaged and understood. Through this, further opportunities and best practice can be identified and potential barriers to pupils and future adults can be removed. It will give all categories (schools, universities etc.) of participants’ opportunities to reflect on their current practice and make changes in the light of our findings.

Aims of the project
‘Maths for my world’ articulates meaning to and of mathematics for pupils and aims to make mathematics purposeful and accessible to all in today’s world. Whilst it encompasses elements of the current vogue for maths mastery, it is so much more than this. This project aims at providing an innovative approach to the development of the teaching of mathematics that will enhance existing good practice in the area and essentially support teachers’ skills confidence and competence to teach. One of our primary aims therefore is to equip teachers to enable them to be ‘experts’, to discover, how this can be achieved and share the outcomes, and to ensure future generations of teachers are equipped and prepared to enter the profession with similar degrees of expertise and expectation. Furthermore, the project also very importantly places clear emphasis on the links to the real world and aims to embrace, instil and facilitate 21st century skills for project participants across all groups: teachers, pupils’, parents and others. Often business, sometimes parents too, is kept at arm’s length by educationalists, as there can be a prevalent view that as the experts we know best!
The project aims to engage with business, parents and local communities as this is the real world that we all operate within. Understanding and developing authentic parental engagements is going to be a key part of the project and seeing increased involvement and dialogue with parents is crucial to this. We believe that they have much to share, inform and teach stakeholders about their experiences of maths in their real worlds. We also want to engender in our communities the opportunities for pupils to experience real world maths through parents sharing their experiences and providing opportunities for pupils to have mini apprenticeships, where they get to experience maths being used in the workplace or community.
- Develop teachers’ confidence, subject knowledge and skills set
- Examine (and define) the best ways to deliver mathematical curricular content within the constraints of national agenda/expectations
- Remove and (or affect) the fixed mindset that many parents, pupils and teachers have over the difficulty of mathematic
- Develop, innovate and identify materials and resources for teachers to use and children to select from, to improve pupil achievement, attitudes, participation and experience in mathematics
- Develop children’s understanding and mastery of mathematics, appreciating the contextual relevance of mathematics in all aspects of life.
- To explore the best practice within the jurisdictions of the participating countries and partners
- To use real-life learning (and experiences) to excite, interest and deepen learning for pupils so they explore, use and appreciate the value and purpose of mathematics
- Developing a holistic, community engagement in deepening children’s contextual understanding of mathematics, in particular its significance to local, regional, national and international economic endeavours
- To raise aspirations in overcoming anxieties in the use and application of mathematics, the access to future employment through secure and creative application of mathematics to a range of career pathways
- To maximise digital technology, coding and robotics to equip pupils with a breadth of knowledge that is current, relevant and future proof
- To equip teachers with the confidence to use a range of formal and non-formal techniques to deliver mathematics with interest and excitement, particularly in the areas that are difficult to deliver
- Develop children’s appreciation of the contextual significance of mathematics in their lives .