First Massage Reflection

Date of massage: 14/11/18

Location: Marjon Clinic

total hours for session: 2

client 1: My first Client had requested an STM on their back, shoulders and neck due to stiffness of working.

I carried out a quick observation of the client, I used a variety of techniques being Effleurage, Petrissage and hacking which is a tapotement technique. Also showed my client a nice technique to ease of tension in the neck.

My clients feedback: “feel relaxed, comfortable. realised pressure in lower back + neck. showed exercises to relieve tension.”

Areas for Improvements: make sure nails are cut and filed properly, set up before client arrives, time management.

My second client: requested STM on their hamstrings and calfs due to having DOMS (Delayed On-est Muscle Soreness)

After observation and stretching, I carried out the same techniques for client one. The client had increased flexibility and ROM had also increased.

My clients feedback: “Friendly, thorough and professional, constantly ensuring that I was comfortable and it was not to painful. Tank you!”

Areas for further improvements: Make sure my nails are cut and filed properly, time management and work on different techniques.

Total hours completed: 2

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