Reflection 15/01/19

On this day I massaged 3 clients:

Client 1:

Massaged clients quads as they had DOMs from the gym earlier in the week.

Feedback: Super professional, efficient and friendly while helping + massaging.

Summary: Tested quads and they could barley move, after treatment movement and strength had increased and the client feels more relaxed.

Improvements: Make sure nails are cut and filed before massaging and to be more talkative.

Client 2:

Massaged lower back and also taped back.

Feedback: So good! well informed and a range of knowledge and advice – relaxing massage very considerate and commutative.

Summary: STM on the lower back, tape on the lower back, increased clients ROM, reduced pain and feels relaxed.

Improvements: Time keeping and Nails from the first client as didn’t give myself time to set up for second client.

Client 3:

Massaged clients Hamstrings after a hockey game at the weekend.

Feedback: Feels so much better, more relaxed, very professional and talkative.

Summary: Massaged clients hamstrings as they had a build up of lactic acid due to the client training 3 times a week and playing at weekends. Client feels more relaxed and ROM increased.

Improvements: Time keeping as a snow ball effect from the first 2 clients and nails.

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