Clinical reflections 14

4/12/18  Marjon clinic  No. of hours 20

Client is 18 year old female runner who runs 6 times a week.

The client was complaining of calf tightness after doing a 5km run two days before the massage. Before the massage was given the client said it was mainly affecting their left calf. To start off with the clients range of motion my doing plantarflex and dorsiflex at the ankle, their range of motion was good. The massage started by doing effleurage techniques that were followed by petrissage techniques. During the massage one of the techniques done was splitting the gastrocnemius, this can be painful so asking the client about the pressure was important during this. To get into the soleus muscle the knee was flexed which causes the gastrocnemius to relax.

Make sure that stretching techniques are done after the massage, also show the client different stretches that they could do at home.

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