Clinical reflections 17

11/01/19  Marjon clinic  No. of hours 23

19 year old female who plays lacrosse and water polo 2 times a week.

The client come in and spoke about their shoulders and upper fibres of traps be sore, they said this could be from all the training they do for their sports. Form the postural assessment their right should was higher than left, this could be due to the fact that they are right handed so the muscles in the shoulder are tighter. Range of motion was tested with the neck and it had shown that it was limited on the right side compared to left. A massage was given to their deltoids and upper fibres of traps. This consisted of doing effleurage, petrissage, and neuromuscular techniques on the areas that was needed. After the massage METs were used to help improve the range of motion and were then tested again to see if the session had helped improve their state.

Make sure that my instructions are clear so the client understand what movements that needs to be done to perform certain actions.

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