Clinical reflections 21

11/03/19  Marjon clinic  No. of hours 30

During this session two clients were seen during the two hour session. The first client was a returning client, they are a 20 year old women who is a first year student. The second client is a 19 year old women who is also a first year student. Neither of the clients play sports but they both go to the gym bout 3 times a week on average.

The first client was a returning client who asked for their back to be massaged again. Before doing anything, the clients posture has shown that they had slight kyphosis ROM was also done and they had FROM. A massage was given focusing on the upper fibres of traps and giving them a neck massage to release tension from their neck which could be from a build up of stress. Afterwards ROM was tested again, and it had shown that it had improved.

The second client was complaining of lower back pain, because of this a postural examination was done, this shown they had kyphosis and that they also had knocked knees. Muscle bulk was assessed in both glutes and this shown that they were even. ROM was tested and they had FROM, from doing palpations it was clear that their lower back was very tight, it was equal on both sides. Massage was given to help with the tightness, neuromuscular techniques where used to help with tension.


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