Marjon celebrates partnership with Ukrainian university

Plymouth Marjon University is celebrating its one-year anniversary of twinning with Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University in Ukraine as part of Universities UK’s special initiative.
Ternopil, found in Western Ukraine, is one of the nation’s major cities and has a population of nearly 230,000 people. The University is a nationally leading organisation for humanities and liberal arts and is home to approximately 7,000 students and 600 academic staff members.
Ternopil has a strong history of teacher education, opening a teaching institute in 1940, and achieving university status in 1997. The history of the University is similar to Marjon, and the two institutions share similar person-centred values.
The Twinning scheme is a gentle and nurturing institution collaboration model that empowers universities from around the globe to offer real and tangible assistance to their Ukrainian counterparts.
The Twinning program has a noble objective: to safeguard the integrity of Ukraine’s higher education system, address the issue of ‘brain drain’, and support universities in Ukraine by providing them with additional resources, skills, and a wealth of international experience.
This initiative represents a long-term commitment of at least five years between participating institutions, with the ultimate goal of fostering sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships that will help see the Ukrainian universities through the war.
“Today marks a monumental occasion as we reflect on and celebrate the incredible achievements of the twinning partnerships over the past year. It’s amazing to see the bonds that UK and Ukrainian institutions have made with each other through the scheme. These vital relationships have helped to strengthen ties between our two systems and highlights the UK’s continued support for Ukraine through the current conflict.”
Plymouth Marjon University has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, which has allowed Marjon to plan programmes with Ternopil and offer exchange study opportunities to students.
Marjon has partnerships with 26 institutions across 18 countries around the world including the USA, Iceland, Norway, Greece, India, Australia, and many more.
If you’re a student interested in studying abroad, find more information here, and if you are an international student interested in studying at Marjon, find more information here.
Post authored by:
Patrick Owen
Press & Public Relations Officer
Plymouth Marjon University