2023 May Ball at Marjon

It’s that time of year again when we all get to celebrate the end of the academic year, at May Ball! If you aren’t at university yet or haven’t attended May ball you may not be aware of what it is, so let’s discuss it!
May Ball is a massive formal celebration that Marjon hosts for all staff and students to attend. It consists of everyone getting dressed up and coming together to celebrate the end of the University year.
Marjon puts up a big marquee in our quad area, filled with food stands, a bar and a cocktail stand, which is perfect on a summer’s day, especially with the live music.
I’m in my third year at university now, and last year’s Ball was the first one I got to attend due to my first year’s Ball being cancelled during the pandemic. What an end to the second year it was! This year’s Ball will be many of my friends’ last, which is super sad! But it means we will have to make it the best yet.
If you have never been to an end of year ball, or are just curious as to what you may need. Here’s a few tips: just yourself, some good company, and your ticket! There is a bar there if you like to have a few drinks socially (like me) or there will be plenty of food and of course soft drinks for those who don’t like to drink!

The best thing about May Ball for me, is the set up. What more do you want than a live band in a marquee on a warm day!? It’s great, everyone is in super high spirits due to exams being over and assignments handed in (well for most people). Unfortunately, my last exam is 5 days after the ball this year. However, it wasn’t an option to miss it, as its too good of a night to be missed!
So, it’s the morning of the ball. This year’s Ball is themed as a black-tie event, which means everyone will be in their best attire for the evening. I booked to get my makeup done at 12pm and aim to be all dressed and ready by 3pm.
Once me and my house mate were ready, we headed to meet the rest of our friends. There was quite a big mixture of us this year, which made it really good. We headed to our friend’s house and had a few drinks there, before heading for a small pub crawl to make the most of our pre drinks!
The Ball started at 6pm, we all headed to the ball via taxi and went straight in. On arrival you enter the Ball via a red carpet, which follows into the event where you kick off the celebrations. The marquee had a casino area including a roulette table and a blackjack table with the chance to win, there was a DJ deck, live music (who were absolutely great), and a bar boasting cheap drinks all night, with the first 100 people having £1 pints (what more could you want). Food trucks lined up outside, not forgetting the cocktail stand, and a games area with the chance to win many prizes. It was an amazing set up, couldn’t have wanted more!
I’ve talked enough about the Ball; take a look at some of the photos and see for yourself what a fantastic night it is! If you haven’t gone yet, or if you’re joining us in Marjon this September, you should definitely grab a ticket to the end-of-year ball. We will see you on the dance floor!
Tegan Crowle
Osteopathy Student & Social Media Champion
Plymouth Marjon University