5 questions to ask at a Marjon open day

29Sep - by Patrick Owen - 0 - In Campus Student Life

Open days are a great opportunity to gather crucial information and make an informed decision about your future!

To make sure you get the most out of your visit, it’s important to come prepared with some questions. Here are five key questions to ask at a Marjon open day:

What academic programmes are offered?

Students studying at Marjon

Make sure to ask about the courses available to you, the modules that interest you, the course entry requirements, how the course is delivered, and how the course is assessed.

These are important questions to ask, especially if you feel that you work better with an assignment-based course over exam work. This information will help you determine whether the University provides the pathway you’re passionate about.

What is campus life like?

The time spent at university isn’t all about studying and lectures. It’s also about character building, experiences, and making lifelong friends.

Ask our Student Ambassadors about campus life, sports clubs and societies. Understanding campus and what it has to offer can shape your overall experience!

What support is available for you as a student?

Students chatting on campus

You should ask what support is available for students at university as it can impact your success and experience, as well as your mental and emotional wellbeing.

The transition to student life can be both exciting and stressful, so be sure to ask about the wellbeing resources available.

University life can also be financially demanding,  so learning about grants, work-study opportunities, and financial support services can reduce stress and broaden your opportunities.

You may want to ask about what disability services are available, career and job placement opportunities, and academic support services. Knowing what support is available for students at university is essential to gain all the support you need.

What societies and sports societies are available to me at Marjon?

This can help you learn about campus life and social and recreational aspects. It’s important to know if there are societies related to your hobbies or interests. Joining a society helps you to take a break from studying, do something you enjoy, and meet new people who share the same interests.

What accommodation options are available and what do they cost?

Inside a Halls of Residence room at Marjon

Your accommodation plays a big role in your overall wellbeing and university experience, and accommodation costs can change each year, so this is a really useful question to ask. Identifying the cost of different accommodation types can help you to create an accurate budget for your finances before coming to uni.

Choosing the right university is a huge decision to make in your academic journey. Brochures and websites can provide good information, but there’s no substitute for the experience of attending an open day. It’s a unique experience to ask your own questions and find out whether it’s the right pathway for you.

Join us at our next open day, book your place here now!

Post authored by:
Phil Mansell
Communications Officer (Student Recruitment)
Plymouth Marjon University

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