03/02/2020- 2.5 hours

Monday night training session I had 3 clients booked in at the physio room.

The first client was from U13’s age group, the same client from the week before (follow up appointment). Comparing to last week, his ROM on his left ankle had improved and he said that the mobilisations really helped him. There was less pain compared to last week especially after resting his ankle and applying ice. Flexion was okay, slight pain of a 4/10 on extension, eversion was okay, and slight pain in inversion roughly a 4-5/10. I performed mobilisations again as there was still improvement needed for his ROM mainly in extension and inversion, I also then applied K-tape underneath the foot and around the ankle as he said that it gives him more confidence in his ankle.

The next client came un from U16’s age group (new client) and complained of two different injuries. One for his left knee and one for his left shoulder. I palpated the knee to begin with and found that there was pain at the apex of the patella however ROM was all okay. I applied K-tape on both sides of the knee and then across the bottom of the patella, advised to apply ice when he gets home tonight. After this, I then moved onto the next injury, I started off by palpating the bony landmarks of the shoulder and comparing any obvious changes to the uninjured side, but there weren’t any differences. I then moved on to palpation the soft tissue around the left shoulder, his tightness was mainly at the front (bicep long head was the tightest). ROM all okay apart from pain occurring in arm extension roughly a 5/10, so I showed him some bicep stretches that he can do and advised if it was still causing him pain next week to rebook with me again and I will provide a massage and possible soft tissue release (STR) if necessary.

The next client that was booked in was one of the clients I had last week. His Achilles was still just as painful as last week, I advised to seek medical advice from a doctor for possible scan (x-ray or MRI) to rule out any worse injuries. I then performed mobilisations in grade 1 and 2 to help with his ROM due to it still being less than the other in ankle extension. I then applied K-tape up the achilles to release tension that could be causing the pain and then another piece across the pain site. The pain site is still at the attachment site of the achilles on the base of his calcaneus.

After all booked clients have been seen to I headed up to the AstroTurf to go through some stretches with all age groups altogether in the middle of the pitch.

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