Evidence of placement contacts:

Another post right before the deadline! During my placement logs, I obviously believed I would not need to provide contact details for my fellow students who I aided, but here they are, as validation for my hundreds (probably, I didn’t record them all!) of hours!

Placement supervisor: banniss@marjon.ac.uk

Endorsement to Athletic clientele team: cpuleston@marjon.ac.uk

Students assisted:




Music and Psychology: A Practitioner’s guide

Presentation slides: Psychology y2 presentation

Screencast and reference list: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_Zm9FADfiCgTJGnmqQZHrUmByC1M_Ahq/view

This short screencast acts as a guide for practitioners to prescribe and integrate music into an athlete’s regime, with the aim of developing their athlete’s performance. Covered inside is:

Flow, the state of optimal physiological and psychological harmony, which motivates peak performance in athletes. This can be used in training and performance to enhance all performance, and serves to decrease perception of exertion, which is key in rehabilitation and health-based clientele.

The use of music as physiological and psychological aids

Considerations for the prescription of music


The benefits of music are applicable to athletes in most cases, including rehabilitation and pre-training. Athletes can use music to dull fatigue, pain and perceived exertion, making exercise more enjoyable and less painful. Not only can this influence participation rates in exercise referral schemes and health clientele, it also reduces the effects of burnout and frustration associated with rehabilitation of injured athletes.

In addition, there is strong correlations between heart rate and music tempo (BPM) that imply rhythm response can dictate physiological state and can be used to influence cardiovascular workload by deliberately increasing or decreasing HR through use of music. This correlation also allows for the use of music as a warm-up aid in addition to pre-performance motivation, which further validates its use in professional athletes. More research also links music to an increase in running economy via the stimulation of task-relevant thoughts, which decrease oxygen consumption at a given intensity. These factors combine to offer an increased time to fatigue, and higher aerobic capacity when running with music. This trend would likely continue in anaerobic and sprint events but requires further research to be completed.

Psychological benefits are numerous, especially given the impact mentality has on performance in sport. Music is shown to increase time to exhaustion, decrease RPE and acts as an effective mood enhancer for athletes prior to and during performance, which allows for an athlete to enter flow states, ensuring optimal performance in an event. Furthermore, music can act as an effective countermeasure against performance anxiety by increasing intrinsic motivation prior to performance, if used in the correct context. The contrast is also true, with calming music increasing performance in shooting, archery and curling, which comes from an increased motivation via flow, and the decreased heart rate associated with slower tempo music.

“Flow” describes the state of harmony between psychology, physiology and motivation, optimising performance through these factors. Flow increases task awareness while decreasing environmental distractors, enhancing intrinsic motivation and performance output in most physiological measures, including peak power development and aerobic endurance (Pates, J., Karageorghis, C. I., Fryer, R., & Maynard, I. 2003). Use of music to induce flow is effective in recreational and elite athletes, highlighting music’s efficacy as an ergogenic aid for all athletes, but requires precise selection and usage to attain maximal benefits, as with any ergogenic aid. Overall, practitioners should consider the liberal use of music as an ergogenic aid, but carefully tailor the use of music to the expected and desired outcomes prior to performance.


(See presentation final slide for full reference list)

Pates, J., Karageorghis, C. I., Fryer, R., & Maynard, I. (2003). Effects of asynchronous music on flow states and shooting performance among netball players. Psychology of Sport and Exercise4(4), 415-427.

Placement end: Its all Ogre now

I think its all done. All the toil (not much). All the pain (Barely any). All the backbreaking labour (literally none). This should be my final blog post.


I learned a lot overall, not that it wasn’t fun as well. Lab technique and protocol, equipment usage, briefs and considerations. New subjects, like supplementation in the military. Hell, I wouldn’t guess that there was much study in the military before I started doing some. How irritable children can be when missing football training to jump in a lab. All learning experiences. Looking back, I think it doesnt come across well in the blogs, but I enjoyed and learned a lot. I think I might have to show it better in that reflective essay, but meh. I’ll get it right. Anyway, it has been fun, but this is the end!


And now, my work has ended. (But I gotta write an essay, soooo…. not really.)

Placement weekly blog: The final countdown

Alison and Henry’s testing ended this week! Both of their deadlines are soon, so they were forced to stop testing. It has been fun, but I guess all good things come to an end.


I have a few appointments with Chris, mostly health checks and tours, but all stuff I’ve done before. I will make one final post before my end, stay tuned!

Placement weekly Blog: End in sight

Finished! Metaphorically, i guess. My placement hours are done, but I am still helping out Alison and Henry until they finish their work, so overtime pay?


Nothing new today, but I might be a lab assistant proper in Y3, as Chris has asked me to help train up some second years next year! Not that i’ll have time.

Placement weekly blog: The first one bites the Dust.

My first full placement is complete, with Tommy only needing 3 weeks to fully collect data. Say what you will about 3D, he is magic with participants and organisation. Faster than the PHD’s, who have been doing it for years!


Nothing new again, looking for participants for Henry, as he is running behind on his expected output. If I thought anyone read these, I would ask them.

Placement weekly blog: Children and labs don’t mix

Well, trying to make children follow lab protocol was interesting. On the Bright (Heh) side, it’ll look good on my hours. For Tommy’s work, we bring in children aged 9-16 and measure their counter-movement jump using Jump plates and 3D measurement software. Complex stuff to explain to a 9 year old, let me tell you that! Still, learning to use 3D would be great for Bio-mechanics, if I hadn’t already done that module. Ugh, wish this was at the start of my placement.


Either way, the second semester rolls on, and this time it is to the tune of Children screaming and messing around in a lab. Yay.

Placement weekly blog: Not so mini Golf

We have a Golf sim? I didn’t know. Honestly. I’m about to begin working with Tommy, an MRes student, who is doing bio-mechanics. That’s all I know, and it is exciting.


But for now, Same old, same old. Nothing new, just new participants.