JAMD04 – Lecture 7

Yesterday we wrote fake cover letters and talked about our mock interviews in December.

The interviews I’ve had before have all pretty much gone the same way – me fumbling to respond in coherent English to simple questions – and somehow I currently have a job, so who knows how that happened.

I was really pleased with how my cover letter turned out; I thought it was professional enough but there was still some personality there so it hopefully wasn’t boring. Rob said it was good, but to ease back on the personal stuff a bit, which I won’t disagree with – there is a line and I might have crossed it. Everyone makes such a big deal about standing out, and I think that’s a huge part of getting a job, but maybe not giving a potential employer my entire life history is a good idea.

Surprisingly though, I found it wasn’t difficult to find positive things to write on it. It’s easier in writing though, to a nameless, faceless person, whereas in an interview I still don’t want to sound arrogant, even though that kind of is the point to an interview. You’re both there to have a conversation about how great you are. I think all of the quizzes helped, because they were much more positive than I thought. There was also one entirely dedicated to strengths, which helped me write the cover letter, and gave me a nice ego boost at the same time.

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